Many would have known our assertion on “ Texture” especially for those who had visited. Good papers are like weighted tee-shirts. Even with the exact same cutting, different fabrics with different weight would make a huge contrast in the outcomes. ( Refer to our alias @raider )
Premium paper wouldn’t be easily sourced from stationary store around the corner. Without the right background, it is difficult for customers to find the “perfect” paper from manufacturers. Nothing like majority printing stores, Printing Room has been importing over 50+ kinds of Art papers from Japan and USA in over 6 years. With us, there’s no need on hustling for good papers for your exceptional designs. No more universal glossy papers. From now on, simply pick from our selected and exclusive “ Textures” to make your work stand out.
我地對「質感」既著重相信嚟過嘅朋友都感受到,因為好既紙材同重磅既白Tee 一樣,同一個 CUT,唔同磅數同質料既布,出來既效果都可以話係天差共地。(友店 @raider 成日同我講)
一張高質既紙,固然唔係文具鋪會搵到,而唔係行家更加唔識得去紙行 Source 。因此Printing Room 六年來從紙行入貨上五十款由日本、美國入口既 Art Paper,係外間一般印刷店都絶對揾唔到之餘又唔洗大家自己去紙行買。設計師/客人們亦更容易搵到稱心既紙材,唔洗下下用一式一樣嘅光粉紙啞粉卡 。