After finding the right paper, you’ll need the right printer and settings to work things out.
Majority printing service providers have friendly prices and certainly, quality accordingly. The difference between Printing Room and the majority in the industry is that we held a very high standard over our production. Our insistence in color sharpness, printing quality demands exceptional printers to make our work differentiates.
The laser printer we adopt is the best from the Fuji Xerox series – V180. Many would have known Fuji for their excellence in photography, but they’re also well-known with the best printers in the industry. V180 is a production-level tier printer that is incompatible with office-use printers in terms of color accuracy, level of definition and more. The contrast can be easily spotted even with the same BNW print.
搵到靚既紙唔代表部部Printer 都印得到而且印得好。用咩機印,識得點印都係重點。有靚既紙,都要有 Support 到既 Printer 先得物所其用。
普通印刷店提供既服務當然最貼地,價錢親民,印刷品一定「對得住個價錢」,而 Printing Room 不同之處,就係我地對製成品顏色,質素萬分執著,因此使用既器材都係比一般高檔。
Laser Printer 方面我地選用日本品牌 Fuji Xerox,相信影開相嘅朋友對 Fuji 呢個牌子絕對唔會陌生,而佢地岀產嘅 Printer 更加係業界頂級。再者我地使用嘅係佢地production級產品 - 無論色凖、精細度亦同坊間一般既辦公室級別無得比 - 連印張黑白都明顯高下立見。